Export and report on your stock takes

If you're running stock takes in your store, you'll want to be able to report on the results. This will allow you to see the current state of your stock levels, and identify any discrepancies between the count and the current stock levels in Shopify.

We've got a number of pre built reports that you can run on your stock takes, to give you the complete picture of your stock levels. You can also create custom reports, to filter down the data to only show the information you need.

This can be run on a single stock take, or across multiple stock takes. Giving you the flexibility to report on the data you need, while still running stock takes how you want.


  1. Counts
  2. Cycle Counts
  3. Missing Items
  4. Compare against current stock levels
  5. Custom Reports
  6. Comparision Types
    1. Only compare scanned products
    2. Compare all products currently stocked at a location
    3. Compare all products currently stocked at a location, with a tag
  7. Contact Us

Screenshot of the export options in Shopify Admin for Stock Takes


Previously you could view the counts of a single stock take. Now you can view the counts across multiple stock takes!

If you're running multiple stock takes in your store, split by division, location or team, you can now view the counts across all of them! Giving you the complete picture of how your stock takes are going and the current state of the counts.

Cycle Counts

Cycle counts are a great way to run stock takes without closing your store. You can now report on the difference between the count and the current stock levels in Shopify, allowing you to run cycle count stock takes.

You can do this for a single stock take, or across multiple stock takes. This will give you the difference between the count and the current stock levels in Shopify, allowing you to see the delta between the two.

You can do this comparision across all products stocked at a location, or filter it down to products at that location with a tag. This is useful if you are only doing a specific zone of your store, or a specific product line.

Missing Items

You can now view the missing items from a stock take. This will show you the items that were not counted in the stock take, but are in your Shopify inventory.

These will be marked in the report as Not Scanned, so you can easily see what was missed in the stock take.

You can do this comparision across all products stocked at a location, or filter it down to products at that location with a tag. This is useful if you are only doing a specific zone of your store, or a specific product line. You can also do this for a single stock take, or across multiple stock takes.

Compare against current stock levels

You can now compare the stock take counts against the current stock levels in Shopify. This will show you the difference between the count and the current stock levels in Shopify, allowing you to see the delta between the two.

You can do this comparision across all products stocked at a location, or filter it down to products at that location with a tag. This is useful if you are only doing a specific zone of your store, or a specific product line. You can also do this for a single stock take, or across multiple stock takes.

Custom Reports

You can now create custom reports on your stock takes. This will allow you to filter down the stock take data to only show the information you need.

You can either report on the counts of the stock take, or run a comparision report against the current stock levels in Shopify.

You choose to report on a single stock take, or across multiple stock takes. As many as you need¬

If you are running a comparision report, you have the choice of how you want to run this comparision.

Screenshot of the export form in Shopify Admin for Stock Takes

Comparision Types

Only compare scanned products

This will only compare the products that were scanned in the stock take, against the current stock levels in Shopify. This is useful if you are only interested in the products that were counted.

Compare all products currently stocked at a location

This will compare all products currently stocked at a location, against the current stock levels in Shopify. This is useful if you want to see the complete picture of the stock levels at a location. This is helpful to identify products that may have been missed in the stock take(s) or that are no longer in stock.

Compare all products currently stocked at a location, with a tag

You can also filter down the products to only show the products you are interested in. This is useful if you are only doing a specific zone of your store, or a specific product line. The product must be tagged with a specific tag in Shopify, to be included in the report.

Start your Stock Take Today

Contact Us

Got any questions about getting ready for retail or stock takes with Shopify? Get in touch, we would love to chat!